Kreativa mötesplatser - Region Halland - page 30

IB Expo International
Kulturhuset, Halmstad
“IB expo... what a fantas-
tic experience! To play
and work for one entire
week with different musi-
cians is unique! To be
part of this musical fam-
ily is an honour for me.”
Christian Saggese
"IB Expo
is a great project
to work together with
great musicians. Everyone
has got the same spirit, to
work for a good final concert.
It feels like a friendship relation-
ship in between each other, which
influence the quality of the music,
I think.
It's really inspiring to combine
this different types of music
and I'm thankful to have been
part of this last IB Expo!"
Jolien Wils
Repetitioner på måndagseftermiddagen med Julie,
Christian, Mats, Richard, Luca och David.
Jolien Wils. Foto: Patrik Leonardsson
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